As a third-year project, I wanted to create informative videos in animation format under the name "Visual Storytelling." Using illustrations as a visual language, I aimed to incorporate them into animated sequences. My inspirations were Vox, Ted-Ed, Psych2Go, and The School of Life. While the animation was playing in the background, my friend, Defne Çelik, took on the role of narrator voiceover.
To generalize, I focused on aspects that fueled the feminist movement. My topics included:
Change in Women's Clothing: I aimed to examine the shift in female clothing throughout the years and how women liberated themselves from certain standards of wearing "appropriately."
Change in Feminist Movements & the Impact of the We Can Do It Poster: I aimed to demonstrate the relationship "We Can Do It" propaganda poster from WWII and how it encouraged the rise of feminism. The poster became a prominent symbol of feminist campaigns, either being used or recreated.
Change in the Usage of Red Lipstick: I aimed to elaborate on a timeline that shows the shift in the usage of red lipstick and how it seemed a "controversial topic" throughout the years. People labeled women who used red lipstick as filthy; however, it played a significant role in preserving femininity.
Course: COD 301 Design Studio III